

この動画俺がYouTubeに上げた動画なんだけど、こういう事を本気(だと思う)でコメントしてくる人が未だにいる。まぁこういう人は本当にK-POPスキスキだからしょうがないんだけどね。K-POPファンって(K-POPファンに限った事じゃないとは思うけど)総じて、K-POPを嫌いと言うだけの人でさえ必死になって叩く。俺はK-POPファンを叩きはしないし否定もしない。俺が好きな物を嫌いと言ったり否定する人にも苛立もしない。だって人は何にでも好き嫌いはあるから。だから俺からしたらそんな彼らはfanatic. この人は違うけど、K-POPが嫌いとか言ったくらいでどうして「死ね」とか言われなきゃならないのよ。笑 俺は「俺はK-POPが嫌い」という俺の意見、そしてその事実を公に向けて言っただけ。普段はそんな事を誰にも敢えて言う事はないけどね。だって人が何を好きか嫌いかとかなんて興味ないし、俺が何を好きか嫌いかなんて別に知って欲しいとも思わないし。この動画を上げた理由はまぁ当時世間ではK-POPがブームと言われていた時期でファンも多くいたから。そんでその時からK-POPファンの"K-POP LOVE"熱とアンチ派への叩きっぷりの必死さはマジキチレベルでfanaticだって俺は感じてたから、「アンチK-POPの動画を上げたら再生回数伸びて注目される+動画内の広告収入も結構入るんじゃね?」と思ったのよ。多少人から悪く思われようとキツい事言われようと、これ成功したら俺の事を何とでも言う人の裏で俺はメシウマだと。でもそこまで伸びなかったね。笑 クソ... タイトルが「K-POPは大嫌い!」となってるのは、強めに聞こえた方が興味持つ人多いかと思って。実際は、確かにどちらかと聞かれれば嫌いだけれど別に「大嫌い」ではないし、動画内でも「大嫌い」だとは言っていないので誤解無いように。ま、例え俺がK-POPが大嫌いだとしても他の人(例えファンにとっても)全く関係のない事だと思うけど...あっ、K-POPのファンの方々には大変腹立たしくて「死ね!」って思うのかな。w それは勘弁!!





  1. hi, Kohei. (I can use Japanese but in this case, I should use English for both of us who tudy English)
    I'm a university students studying(majouring) English. I found your video clip when I typed "帰国子女 英語" in search engine and at first to be honest, it is funny and a bit intriguing as you were filming in the bath, also you were taking about pronunciation of English saying that "ネイティブの英語を真似する", that is quite natural thing that I felt a bit sort of funny.
    However, after seeing thorough your several videos, I got impressed by tha fact that I found you are very enthusiastic learner and very hard worker.
    I should respect you about this point.
    If at all possible, can I get in touch with you somewhere by e-mail or skype?
    The URL of your facabook you attached in your website is not available, so I just want you to tell me what I should to to contact you.

    I'd say your criticism about K-pop, it seems natural that you are subjected to those kinds of comments. Because you criticize smt sometimes means you show your disfavour about that subject which means you take on hostility.
    So that being the case, keeping your mouth flat is sensible choice.

    Anyway, my hope is to chat with you on skype.
    When I watched your video clips and feel we are the almost same level of English. Besides, you are good at studying English, so it is really meaningful to me to talk with you.
    Please reply me if you have time,
    sorry for using comment section for this purpose.

  2. Hi Rei. I'm not sure how to reply to your comment, but I just clicked the Reply button, I hope my reply gets to you.

    Thanks for your comment here although it's not really related to this post of mine here. lol

    Are you Japanese? Just curious.

    It's interesting how you stumbled upon that video and came to know of me! Nice nice. I don't think I am a very hard worker. I don't think I am. I'm very lazy indeed. But as for me being an enthusiastic learner, I might be. I like learning (I don't like studying though).

    Ah! Because I've changed my FB name, and I completely forgot to update it!! Sorry. I prefer to contact you in person too, but I'm not comfortable providing my personal info as in means to contact me, so... I'll update my FB URL here, so please contact me there okay? I'm just telling you by the way that it's my sub account.



  3. Thanks for your reply, Kohei.
    Again, I apologize using here for this purpose.
    You can delete these, maybe?
    I sent you a message on facebook, so I look forward to seeing you send me back soon.

    I believe what you are making on Youtube and blog is much helphul to those who are learning English!
    Keep going, man!
