
Hey everyone.

Dudes....I have been effing busy toward the end of the semester!
After I finish this semester, it's done! I will graduate and go to Canada! Yay!! Ahem, hopefully.

So....I hate damn persuasive writing class....sorry about my damn bad language today.
I hate persuasive writing that much, okay?

Okay, I will add my angry picture.

Now you know how much I hate it? Okay, cool.

So, see you until I finish final exams!


À bientôt.



ジョセフ・コニー Joseph Kony

KONY 2012 というの見た事、聞いた事ありますか?

この動画や、"KONY 2012" というのが今Facebookなどネット上で話題になっていて、たくさんの人の間で広まっています。元々のきっかけはYouTubeにアップされたこの一つの動画からなのですが、その動画が英語なので日本語で概要を説明しようと思いました。今の所あんまり日本では広まってなさそうなので。YouTubeにも動画アップするので見てください。

(3.10.2012 追記) アップしました。


それでこの運動が何かというと、ウガンダで起こっている子供達の誘拐や殺害を止めようという運動です。ウガンダでは今、子供達が誘拐され武器を渡され、他の人を殺すように強いられ、時には子供達自信の親を殺させる事もあるそうです。そして、その殺戮の主犯格の名前が Joseph Kony (ジョセフ コニー)というのです。このプロジェクトの今の目標は、より多くの人に KONYという名前、その人がやっている事を知ってもらうという事です。なぜなら、彼は現在世界で起こっている酷い事をしている人としてリストになっている中のトップにいるのに、ほとんどの人がその名前を聞いた事もなく、しかもまだその人は捕まっていないからです。だからまずはその名前を多くの人に知らしめようというのが第一ステップです。

そして、今年中に Kony を捕まえるのが目標のようです。というのも、元々は一人のアメリカ人の男性が数年前にウガンダを訪れて、そこで出会った少年 Jacob (ジェイコブ)君の話を聞くうちに、ウガンダで何が起こっているのか、彼が何を経験したのかを知り、そしてJacobが自らの弟を目の前で首を切られて亡くした経験からJacob自身も生きる希望を失っていた事にショックを受け、その男性がJacobにKonyを絶対に止めてウガンダで起こってる悲惨な事を止めると約束したのが始まりでした。でも、彼一人の力ではどうにも出来ないので、政府の人達何人にも直接会って話をしたのですが、アメリカはウガンダで起こってる事に関係もないし、そもそも何が起こってるかとかその犯人が誰かなんてのもアメリカにいる人は知らなかったのです。



この運動をどうやってみんなでサポートできるかというと、一番簡単な事はKonyという名前をより多くの人に広める事です。そして何がウガンダで起こっているかも知るべきです。FacebookでもMixiでもTwitterでも、KONY 2012というプロジェクトの名前を広めてください。Joseph Kony や ジョセフ コニー という彼の名前だけでもいいです。

そして次に出来るサポートは寄付です。Action Kitというブレスレットやシールとかポスターなどがセットになった箱が、毎月数百円の寄付をするともらえます。2つブレスレットが入っていて、一つは自分にもう一つは誰かにあげられます。そして、大きなプロジェクトが4月20日に計画されていて、皆が寝静まった19日の夜中に街でポスターを貼ったりして、20日の朝、人々は KONY 2012 という文字を見るというものです。日本でもやる人がいるかは分かりませんが、やりましょう!数人でもいいので!





Drinking and Karaoke Night!

Yesterday, March 2nd, I went drinking and karaoke with my school friends in quite a while. It was so fun! :D

First, we went drinking, starting at 5:30 pm after class. It was at a izakaya called 虎の子 (Toranoko). We had all-you-can-DRINK course. (Just to explain what Japanese izakaya/bar are like, there are izakaya/bar where you order one glass to one glass and you pay for each one you had, and where you can unlimitedly drink in a certain limit of time.) We had 945 yen course while they had 1,300 yen-ish one and 2,000 yen-ish one. The difference was the number or kinds of drinks we could order. All was for two hours.

We had food, too. Food was not all-you-can-eat. So, the drink price for each + the total price of food we had / all of us was about 1,700 yen. I think they also charged us something called "table fee" or "service fee" that each of us automatically has to pay. 1,700 yen for food and drinks for two hours, not bad, is it? I don't know how much you'd expect to spend for something like that where you live.

After drinking and eating, we went karaoke. In the end of the time after two hours, one of us got sick from drinking too much. It was hard to take care of him. lol NEVER LET ALCOHOL LOSE YOUR CONTROL!

Okay, now it's 12 pm. I got on the very last train to go home.

Phewwwww, I made it to my home town at about 1:00 am. Now, wait, there's no bus going home! And my mom wouldn't come pick me up... That means I have to kill time until 6:00 am when the first bus comes!

Now what? Should I take a taxi? No, I don't like it. Maybe I could stay in a Internet/manga cafe? Those places are usually opened for 24 hours. Or maybe a convenience store? They are opened for 24 hours, too, but who can stay in a convenience store for five hours? lol I'd likely get kicked out.

What I had in mind was to stay in a "love hotel" alone. It's the cheapest kind of motel I thought of I could stay until the morning. OR, I could stay somewhere outside until the morning.
Anyways, I was sure there were some 24-hour open places, so I started walking.

Then I found Denny's!! It is 24-hour opened! Thank Denny's, you saved my life.

Now I'm saved, killing five hours till the morning.

Good night everyone!



In Time

Today I watched the movie In Time. In order to watch it from the beginning, I arrived at the theater in time. In other word, I got there in time to watch In Time.

Hmm. Anyways.

It was fun, but I didn't like how it ended. I have wanted to watch it since I watched, I think, Real Steal. I had known of In Time for a while. It's been about two weeks since it came out in Japan.

Oh by the way, the title In Time in Japanese is just Time. I assume if it were In Time, Japanese people would not understand what it means, or if it were in Japanese, 時間内, I'd say, it'd definitely sound odd.

I went to Shinjuku Piccadilly, and it was 1,500 yen for a college/unive/high school student. The adult price was 1,800 yen, and if it's a 3D movie, they'll charge you extra 300 yen. Pretty expensive.

I still have movies I want to watch, J, Edgar, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Hugo. Oh and Star Wars ep. 1 in 3D!

Ahhhh this keeps me having not enough money.
