この前友達の女の子と話してたら8歳くらいのその子の親戚の女の子もいて一緒に話してたらその子が俺の顔を描き始めてふざけて変な顔に描いたから「じゃあ俺も描いてあげるね!」って事で俺もその子の顔をすごくブサイクに描いたら泣いちゃった。笑 その子俺の事を「猫」って呼んでて、そしたら「悪い猫」って言われちゃった。だからその後ちゃんと可愛く描いてあげたら(PRINCESSの冠付きで)気に入ってくれたみたいで喜んでくれた。そしたら「可愛い良い猫」と褒めてもらえた。笑 ちなみにその絵はその子がベットに寝転がってピザ食ってた時の絵。とてもプリンセスの所作とは思えない事は大目に見てあげて。友達になってって言われたから友達になってあげた。かなり歳離れてるけど。ちっちゃな可愛いお友達ができて僕は嬉しいよ。(言っておくけど俺はロリコンじゃない。)
The other day I was talking to a girl, and there was also her cousin who was a girl about 8 years old. She started to draw my face, and she jokingly drew my face really ugly. So I told her that I'd draw her face for her as well and I did it the same way, and it made her cry. lol She was calling me cat, but then she called me "bad cat." I drew her another picture and this time I drew her cute with a crown with the word PRINCESS. She liked it this time and has happy. She praised me and called me "cute, good cat." lol BTW that picture is of her lying on the bed eating pizza. It's not really like a princess's behavior, but let's just ignore that for her. She asked me to be her friend, so we became friends. I'm glad I have such a cute little friend. (I'm telling you I'm not a pedophile.)
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