So, here are the conversations I and the Korean girl I was taking about yesterday having over Takeshima/Dokdo/Liancourt Rocks on making-international-friends site. (I was talking about this on my personal Facebook page.)
Whenever I encounter with Korean people whether it's online or real world, I'd have myself kind of "prepared" for such arguments though I wouldn't start such argument from me, so I was willing to listen to her statement about the territorial right of the island if she would state it on logical and reliable evidence from not only Korean perspective and I wasn't meaning to deny it as long as her argument would be based on that, but she ended up with stating with what I think most Koreans claiming the territorial right of the island are stating based on.
From the beginning, here are conversations. I show everything except for irrelevant and personal talks we were having. Her English sentences (and mine) are not correct at some points, but I didn't correct any as I think you can still understand. I wrote only in English, so Japanese sentences below each English sentence are for Japanese people who don't understand English.
[Korean girl]
I want to ask you something. I hope you didn't feel bad when I asked you. hey Dokdo whose territory do you think?
Well, I think to myself that the island is Japan's, but it's just because Japan is saying it. I have never researched anything about the details, so I won't state that the island is Japan's.
What I mean is, if you say Dokdo is South Korea's, it's fine. I won't bother to deny it.
[Korean girl]
ok. thanks i don't want to hate your country. but two countries always have a ploblem about each other. it was really.. umm.. anyway, thanks to say me!
You are welcome. I don't want this issue between Japan and S.Korea over the island. Whether it's Japan's or Korea's, it doesn't really matter to us people of the two countries, don't you think?
But I'm also wondering, are you one of those that say Takeshima/Dokdo is Korea's?
[Korean girl]
of course it is korea's territory. i don't know why japan called 'takeshima'.
hey. let's not talk about this anymore. if we talk more about this topic we will feel bad and everything is spoil
But I'd like to know why you say "of course" it's Korea's territory. If you believe so, I don't bother you, but what is the basis of you to say of course it's Korea's territory? Are you only believing what your government says to you people? Or have you ever perhaps done any research yourself?
I'm not angry or anything. I am just curious as to know why you are so confident about this.
I myself would still think the island is Japan's, but I don't state it loud because I have never done research myself and I can't prove it with evidence. I only believe so because that's what the Japanese government says. I can't prove it's Japan's or Korea's, or in other words, if it's not Japan's or not Korea's.
So my answer is I don't know if the island is Japan's or Korea's because there's nothing I am sure of and know of only except for what Japanese government says.
As for you, do you "know" if the island is Korea's or just "believe" that it's Korea's? Please tell me.
[Korean girl]
i was angry your state. you just believe your gorverment without any evidence, any excuse and even you have never done research! our korean student have learned Dokdo is korea's territory. it was naturally. and we learned about why that territory is korea's long before japan and korea's controversy start. many korean go to the 'dokdo' without any permit, passport, visa. but japanese should have. and many korean actors, singers, even presidents visited there every years. i don't want to hate you and your people but your gorverment is really terrible to many countries (korea, china) many koreans have a problem to japan cuz of history. we are always impressive about japan. for example national order consciousness, anime, nintendo, arashi, and the other things.. but your government is just a liar to the other countries people. always busy distorting history. your ancestors misdeeds during the colonial period, we should all remember. we're all Asian. Unity and love for each other, we should be, but if Japan goverment don't reflect, the reconciliation of the two countries will never. just the reason I say that is one. please have to look at truth and have to admit, admit
I'm sorry if I'm rude, but, please do not deny me about the fact that
あなたの主張にとても腹が立った。あなたは根拠も言い訳 ("excuse"って書いてるけど「言い訳」って意味で言いたかったんじゃないと思う) もないのに、日本の政府が言ってる事を信じてるだけ。あなただって研究とかした事ないんじゃん!韓国の生徒は独島は韓国の領土だって習った。自然に。そしてどうして独島は、日本が領有権を主張するずっと前から、韓国の領土なのかって事も。たくさんの韓国人は「独島」に許可もパスポートもビザも要らずに行ってる。でも日本人はそういうのが必要。そしてたくさんの韓国の俳優、歌手、大統領までもが毎年独島を訪れてる。あなたの事も日本人も憎みたくはないけど、たなたの政府は本当にたくさんの国(韓国、中国)に対して酷い。たくさんの韓国人は歴史の事で日本に対して問題を抱えてる。私たちはいつも日本の事を印象的に思ってる。例えば国民的な秩序の意識(national order consciousness って所なんだけど、よく分からない) 、アニメ、任天堂、嵐 (ジャニーズのね) 、あと他の事。でも日本の政府は他の国の国民に対してただの嘘つき。いつも歴史をねじ曲げる事で忙しい。私たちみんな(韓国人としてか日本の被害国の子孫として広い意味でか)はあなた達の先祖の誤った行いを忘れない。私たちはみんなアジア人なんだからお互いに結束と愛を持つべき。でも日本の政府がちゃんと反省しないなら、韓国と日本の友好関係は決して(実現しないって言いたかったのかな)。私が言いたい事は一つ。真実を見て、それを認めて。
...END. Apparently her last sentence didn't end properly, but that's fine.
What I think is, from what she says "our korean student have learned Dokdo is korea's territory," LEARNING (rather being "told") in school that the island is Korea's doesn't automatically make the island Korea's territory. I don't remember learning about the territorial right of the island in school, nor do I even remember history, geography, or sociology teacher in elementary, middle school, and high school teaching us ABOUT the island and such territorial conflicts between S.Korea, but I think the reason for that is because Japanese government doesn't even think there's an arguable issue over the island between S.Korea. It's like American school don't teach students that Hawaii is USA's territory (well, I know it actually is a State). What I am saying is I think Korean government is making their people believe and state loud that the island is Korea's. In other words, the Korean government wants to create a consensus among its people that the island is Koreas regardless of the actual fact that it's still doubtful (I would say "doubtful" just to be fair).
And clearly, she is only one of those who just believe what the government says and teaches its people from when they are kids.
As for myself, I too only believe what Japanese government says about the island, but I don't claim it's Japan's (or Korea's, of course) because I just don't know it for myself. It may be shameful of me not to know it, but I don't. I don't believe anything but only what I myself see for myself, and I would state only what I am sure of (or what I think is true). So I only "think" that the island is Japan's. I won't state it. It's like I "think" there's no God, but I won't state it because I am not sure if there is or isn't God. I don't deny the fact that I don't know if the island is Japan's territory, and I don't have evidence based on research or anything enough to prove and state it loud that the island is Japan's.
俺が思うのは、その子が言ってる「"もちろん"独島は韓国の領土だって習った」っていう、学校で「習った」(むしろそうだと「教え」られた)って事だけだは竹島が韓国の領土になるわけじゃない。俺は竹島の領土問題に付いて習った覚えは無いし、歴史、地理、社会学とかの先生からも小学校、中学校、高校で竹島の事やそれに伴ってる韓国との領土問題についてすら教わった (聞いた) 覚えも無い。それは俺が思うに、日本の政府からしてみたら韓国との竹島の領土問題は存在すらしてないわけだから。アメリカがハワイはアメリカの領土(実際はまぁ州だけど)だと学校で教えないのと同じ。つまり、韓国の政府は国民に竹島は韓国の領土だと信じ込ませてそう主張するようにしたいのよ。言い換えれば、韓国政府は国民の間で「独島は韓国の領土だ」というコンセンサス (多数の人が共有する理念/常識) を作りたいのよ。竹島は日本の領土か韓国の領土かはまだ定かではないという事実を置いといて(「定かではない」って俺が言うのは、俺個人としても証明出来ないからってのと、単に今はどっちの立場にも公平になるため。)
俺に関しては、俺もただ日本の政府が言ってる事を信じてるだけ。でも俺は別に竹島が日本の領土だ (もしくは韓国の領土だ) とは、自分としては確かに分からないから主張はしない。知らないって事自体恥ずかしい事かも知れないけど、知らない事は知らない。俺は自分自信の目で確かめて正しいと思ったものしか信じないし、何かを主張するならそれがまず自分が自信がある事 (若しくはそれが正しいと自分が思う事) しか主張しない。だから俺は竹島は日本の領土だと「思ってる」だけ。そう主張はしない。それは例えば俺が神はいないと「思ってる」けどそう主張はしないのと同じ。だって神がいるともいないとも俺はどっちも自信が無いから。俺は竹島が日本の領土なのか知らないっていう事実は否定しない。研究とかに基づく根拠も、竹島の領有権を証明して声高らかに主張する程のものは俺は持ってないから。
日本に住んでて日本人の友人しかいなかったり、他の国の人 (この話に関して言えば韓国人だけど) と接点があんまりない人はこういう国際的な問題についての議論を投げかけられたり、しなきゃいけない場面に立たされる事が日常の中では少ないと思うけど、いつでもそういう覚悟はしておいた方が良いと思うよ。俺は竹島の事については日本人としてちゃんと根拠を示して竹島は日本の領土だと反論出来る人じゃないと思うけど、みんなはその事についてちゃんと知っておくのは大事だと思う。アメリカ人と話す場面があったとしても例えば原爆の事で議論になるかも知れないし、人によっては俺たち日本人にとっては腹が立つ様な事を平気で言う人も実際いる。あとは海外に出るとやっぱり人種差別をする人もいる。日本では日本人が差別される事はほとんどないけど、海外に一歩出たら「アジア人」だということ、日本人だという事で差別する人もいる。違う歴史的/文化的バックグラウンドを持ってる人と議論したり衝突したりする事に慣れて免疫をつけておかないとね。
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